Edenred Bulgaria launched its first Eco Gift Cards_极速体育,极速直播



Edenred Bulgaria launched its first Eco Gift Cards


Edenred Bulgaria launched Eco Gift Cards made from 85.5% recycled PVC material and became the first provider of employee benefits in Bulgaria to offer its solutions in the form of eco cards.

Edenred's Eco Gift Card

Edenred Bulgaria partners with Mastercard?

Edenred Bulgaria’s eco-friendly gift cards were developed in partnership with Mastercard. The cards are made from 85.5% recycled PVC material. They are issued by IDEMIA, one of the innovative material suppliers that have met Mastercard's requirements for proven carbon footprint reduction. Edenred thus implements in practice ESG policies for environmental, social and corporate governance in its card portfolio.

The specific feature of the new eco cards is that they are made of 85.5% recycled PVC and recycled paper materials are used for their packaging. Customers will continue to benefit from the flexibility to customize cards with specific branding elements and visuals perfectly tailored to their needs.

Edenred's Eco Card Envelopes

By choosing to use an eco card from Edenred Bulgaria, customers also join Mastercard's campaign to donate funds to plant 100 million trees by 2025. For every transaction with the card, Mastercard donates funds to plant trees.

According to a recent study by Mastercard, 58% of consumers are more aware of their impact on the environment. Around 85% of them are willing to take personal action to combat challenges related to the environment and sustainable economic development in 2022.

"One of the most important causes that Edenred supports both globally and locally is environmental protection. We chose to offer among our gift products eco cards - a sustainable solution through which, together with our customers and partners, we will reduce the consumption of plastic, reduce the carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner environment", shared Medhi Benbouguerra, CEO of Edenred Bulgaria.

Edenred's eco cards support the campaign "Reduce your carbon footprint! Help planet Earth breathe!"

The campaign "Reduce your carbon footprint! Help the planet Earth to breathe!', which Edenred Bulgaria launched, aims to reach the company's employees and the end users of Edenred Bulgaria's services. The campaign aims to inform about the carbon footprint that each of us leaves and how we can reduce the negative impact on the environment and at the same time how to save resources and money from it.

Edenred's eco cards will contribute to achieving the main goal of the campaign – reducing the consumption of plastic and reducing the carbon footprint we leave behind.

With the development of the new eco cards, we remain true to the group's purpose

True to the Group's purpose of "Enrich Connections. For good.", the new employee benefits we develop improve the well-being and purchasing power of workers. They increase the attractiveness and efficiency of companies and help improve the labor market and the local economy. Employee Rewards from Edenred Bulgaria also promote access to healthier food and greener products.
